Visual Sequential Memory

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Visual Sequential Memory is the ability to remember visual details in the correct sequence.

  • This is an essential skill for spelling and reading, where your child needs to remember the sequence of letters in order to spell the word correctly.
  • When doing multiple digit addition and subtraction, visual sequential memory is essential to help your child copy the numbers in the correct order.

The activities and games I suggest on this page may help your child develop the skills needed for good spelling and reading in school.

These visual perception activities are intended to encourage your child's normal visual perceptual development. If you suspect your child has visual perceptual delays, please seek a professional opinion.

For your convenience, I have linked to products on Amazon (marked #Ad) that are similar to the ones I use myself - I may receive a small commission if you purchase something through these links, which helps support this site.

tips and activities for visual sequential memory skills in kids

Use Matching Cards for Visual Sequential Memory

Cards that are used for memory matching games#Ad are ideal, but you can also use other matching card games if you have those on hand.

Start with 8 or 10 pairs of matching cards. Split the cards so you and your child each have an identical set of pictures.

use a set of matching picture cards for this visual sequential memory gameUse matching picture cards

Here are the instructions in words and then in pictures!

  • Have your child place their cards neatly to their side so they can be easily found.
  • Behind a divider, set out 2 or 3 of your cards without your child seeing. I used only two cards to start with, for this child who struggled.
  • Move the divider away for a few seconds so your child can see your cards.
  • I try to move the divider so it covers the line of sight to the child's own cards. This forces your child to concentrate on the revealed cards and not to try to spot them among the pool just yet.
  • Return the divider to its place and let your child attempt to place the same cards down in the same order.
  • If your child makes an error, I show the cards again, reminding the child to look at the cards from left to right.
  • As your child improves over a few sessions, you can increase the number of cards in the sequence.
playing a visual sequential memory game with a preschooler - step 1Two cards are set out behind a divider
playing a visual sequential memory game with a preschooler - step 2I reveal the cards, while blocking the view to the child's cards
playing a visual sequential memory game with a preschooler - step 3The child attempts to replicate the cards in the correct order
playing a visual sequential memory game with a preschooler - step 4Getting a chance to correct the cards

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Adapt Kim's Game for Visual Sequential Memory

Kim's Game is a well-known Scouts game which is used to develop the scout’s ability to notice details and recall what was seen. I use simple versions of this game as effective visual memory activities, and on this page I explain how you can adapt the basic concept to make a visual sequential memory game.

You will need a plain (not patterned) tray, a variety of household objects and/or small toys, and a cloth to cover the items.

Very Important:

  • Make sure your child knows the names of all the objects you will use in Kim's Game.
visual sequential memory game for kidsMake sure your child can name all the objects
  • You can adapt the game according to the age and ability of your child by altering the number of objects shown and/or the time given to look at them!

  • If your child struggles with verbal skills, then have a duplicate set of items, with some additional objects, on the side, and your child can point out the ones seen on the tray. So if you have 4 objects on the tray, make sure you have the same four objects on the side, in between a few extra objects.

How To Play This Adapted Kim's Game

Here are the instructions in words and then in pictures!

  • Show your child a few objects on the tray for a few seconds.
  • Cover the tray, put your hand under the cover and rearrange the objects.
  • Now ask your child to place the objects into their original position.
  • Increase the challenge by using more objects and by jumbling them up more...
Adapted Kim's Game - step 1Reveal a few objects on the tray for a few seconds.
Adapted Kim's Game - step 2Cover the tray, put your hand under the cover and rearrange the objects.
Adapted Kim's Game - step 3Ask your child to rearrange the objects to their original positions.
Adapted Kim's Game - step 4Use more objects and/or jumble them more

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More Visual Perception Resources

If your child struggles with reading, writing and spelling, I always recommend that the eyes be assessed by a behavioral optometrist.

These professionals will assess whether your child's eyes are working well together in order to track the words they are reading and copying.

If your child's eyes are not working together properly, then it is much more challenging for your child to remember what was seen.

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Thank you for visiting my site! I hope you are inspired to help boost your child's visual sequential skills with these simple activities! 

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