Contact OT Mom

Hi! I'm Tracey le Roux, the creator and owner of OT Mom Learning Activities! This is a site that I have written for parents and teachers, from my background as a pediatric OT and my current experience as a homeschooling mom of 3.

I love hearing from my readers!

However, I am just not able to give specific advice online without seeing your child, which is obviously impossible for me to do.

OT Mom Tracey le Roux

If you are concerned about your child's development, please try and get a referral to a health professional who can help you in person.

So I regret that I am probably not going to answer specific queries regarding your child with in-depth replies!

I have attempted to answer questions in the past and am undertaking to build new pages and a FAQ database based on the answers I have written to various dilemmas described in the emails. This is taking some time, but will hopefully help more children and families in the long run.

So, how to get some answers from me:

  • You can search my site to see if any of my current pages may help you. Just type in your keywords in the box below and click "Go".
  • If you are having trouble with your e-books downloads, or have another e-book related question, check out the E-Book FAQ page to see if your question is answered there.
  • And of course, if you just want to say "Hi" or get clarification on something, then do fill in the form at the bottom of this page!

Thanks for popping by!

I will try to get back to you within a few days but trust you will understand if my offline life prevents a quick response.

Many blessings as you strive to help the children in your life!

Contact OT Mom!

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