Occupational Therapy Books

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These occupational therapy books have been written for the benefit of parents, caregivers and teachers. These books are a valuable part of my library as an occupational therapist and as a parent.

Most, but not all, have been written by fellow Occupational Therapists, and this page gives a brief overview of the books I have found most helpful.

I only review books that I personally own and have read. A quick search on Amazon will show you a plethora of related books that have been published over the last decade or two. Unfortunately, my wallet has not been able to stretch to them all, so I am just giving quick reviews of the ones I own and love - pictured on this page! I have linked to the new, revised editions where possible.

Honesty Point: I have purchased some of these books at my own expense; others were gifts from their authors. However, all reviews are my honest opinion and not influenced by the authors in any way. I have used my affiliate link to direct you to the books on Amazon; however, you may be able to find the books in other bookstores as well as in your local library. If you purchase a book through my link, I will receive a small commission that helps support my site.

Books On Sensory Processing and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)

Sensational Kids

My Top Pick!

My first choice of book for parents and teachers who need to know more about Sensory Processing Disorder and practical information on how to help their kids at home and at school.

Well written, easy to understand and immensely practical.

Look at Sensational Kids#Ad on Amazon!

Sensational Kids Book Review

No Longer A Secret: Unique Common Strength Strategies

This is the companion book to Sensational Kids, and I highly recommend this book for teachers and therapists who are looking for inexpensive and effective ways to practically help children at school and at home.

The ideas are categorized according to the different subtypes of SPD, which makes it an invaluable reference tool. I really love the way many of the activities use everyday objects to help children, and it is encouraging to see that they really do work!

Look at the new edition of No Longer A Secret#Ad on Amazon!

No Longer A Secret Book Review

Raising a Sensory Smart Child

An indepth treasure trove of information on understanding and living with a child who has Sensory Processing Disorder.

I personally feel that this occupational therapy book is more suited to therapists, although many parents have certainly benefited from it.

It is very detailed and therefore more "textbooky", but contains a wealth of valuable information.

View Raising a Sensory Smart Child on Amazon.#Ad

Raising A Sensory Smart Child Book Review

Growing Up With Sensory Issues

This book is written by a woman who has experienced the trials and challenges of living with SPD (and Aspergers) in herself, and writes about her experiences in an engaging, pithy way.

This personal story will give parents, teachers and therapists an understanding of Sensory Processing Disorder and its effect on everyday life from the perspective of an adult.

I received a free copy of this book in return for a review, but would have recommended it anyway for its insight and humor!

Growing Up With Sensory Issues Book Review

View Growing Up with Sensory Issues on Amazon.#Ad

The Out-of-Sync Child Series

This immensely helpful series has been written by Carol Stock Kranowitz.

She is a preschool teacher who developed a passion for understanding sensory processing and children in her classroom who were struggling with sensory integration and other SPD challenges.

Out-of-Sync Child Book Series - highly recommended for teachers, parents and therapists!The Out-of-Sync Child Series

Her books have been updated and revised through the years and remain a go-to for many teachers and parents!

  • The Out-of-Sync Child#Ad - her original book (now in its third edition) designed to help you understand how children can process sensory information differently.
  • The Out-of-Sync Child Has Fun#Ad - this book is a treasure trove of activities for parents or teachers who are looking for activities that target their own child's particular sensory processing needs.
  • The Out-of-Sync Child Grows Up#Ad - a valuable resource for parents of teens, teenagers themselves, and young adults, to get some insight into strategies to cope with sensory processing challenges in daily living, relationships, and moving into the demands of adulthood.

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Helping Kids Understand Their Own SPD

You should be able to find lots of books in your local library that are written to help kids and teens understand what they are experiencing with SPD, and to develop coping strategies that suit their own individual needs - these are incredibly empowering for kids and teens.

View some titles on Amazon#Ad and then look out for them in your local parenting groups or library.

Here are two that I found helpful with my own kids.

Sensory processing books for kids and teensSPD Books for kids and teens

Max and Me - A Story About Sensory Processing for Kids

An excellent book written for children to help them understand how their bodies and brain process sensory information, and why they may sometimes have a bad day!

This book is an incredibly helpful tool for parents and therapists. Reading this with your child can help everyone find the words when dealing with a sensory modulation meltdown.

Max and me - a book written for kids to help them understand their sensory modulation issues

Read my full review and get a sneak peek inside.

View Max and Me on Amazon!#Ad It may only be available second hand, but is worth looking for.

The Sensory Team Handbook - for pre-teens and teens

This was the first useful book for this age group on the market long before the current plethora. It is still worth getting a copy if you can find one.

Recommended for preteens to read with their parents, or for teenagers to read on their own. This book is easy to read and does not use jargon, and will help an older child with SPD to understand and deal with everyday challenges.

Parents can read this book with their kids, and help them to implement suggestions in daily home and school life.

Sensory Team Handbook Book Review

View The Sensory Team Handbook on Amazon.#Ad It may only be available second hand, but is worth looking for.

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Child Development And Motor Skills Resources

Little Pencil Finds His Forever Friends

This is a marvelous little rhyming book that will make children (and their parents and teachers) aware of the correct pencil grip as well as the activities which can strengthen little hands and fingers to get them ready for using the pencil.

Once kids are familiar with the story, it is fun to refer to the Little Pencil character when engaging in fine motor activities - reminding the kids that this activity will help the Forever Friends to get strong to help Little Pencil.

review of Little Pencil Finds His Forever Friends

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a review, but I really do recommend this for preschool teachers and therapists (and parents!).

Read my full review!

View Little Pencil Finds His Forever Friends on Amazon!#Ad

Gross Motor and Fine Motor Skills

These "electronic" occupational therapy books are my own downloadable PDF e-books.

They cover all the gross motor, fine motor, scissor skills and pencil grasp information from my website with LOADS of additional info and activities that are exclusive to the e-books!

view OT Mom's e-books

Visit my e-book page to view the details of all my e-books - don't forget to check out my bundle deals!

Do you want me to review YOUR Occupational Therapy Book?

I'd be happy to read it and give an honest opinion! Drop me a line and tell me about it!

I hope you have found these reviews to be helpful, and that you find a book that gives you the support you need.

Thanks for popping by!

recommended occupational therapy books

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