Fun Learning Activities To Build Skills!

All children need to develop fine motor, gross motor, visual perception and coordination skills.

These skills lay the foundation for handwriting, reading, following instructions and other school skills.

But with the busy world we live in, plus time on devices that reduces physical activity, our children often lack a few of these foundation skills.

OT Mom Learning Activities - tips and activities to help parents support their chid's development and get them ready for school!

My aim is to show you can work on these skills at home with simple hands-on learning activities!

My background is in pediatric occupational therapy, and I am passionate about helping kids get the best possible start in school.

My website is free and accessible, and contains hundreds of photographed hands-on activities, with reams of helpful information and tips to help you to help your child.

Where Does YOUR Child Need Support?

View free, photographed hands-on activities to inspire you, right now, on these pages of my website! No lists or worksheets! 

Fine Motor Skills

Activities and exercises to improve hand strength and dexterity and get those fingers moving for better pencil control.
Get helpful information on fine motor development, scissor cutting and wrist positioning as well!
View my Fine Motor pages.

Gross Motor Skills

Help your child develop core strength, shoulder girdle strength, and coordination skills with games and exercises you can do at home!
Get helpful info on midline crossing, muscle tone and more!
View my Gross Motor Pages.

Visual Perception Skills

From visual discrimination to figure-ground perception, from visual closure to visual memory, there are lots of visual perception skills that kids need for learning.
Visual motor integration is important for handwriting, and I cover that, too.
View my Visual Perception pages.

Sensory Processing

Sensory processing disorder can affect children in different ways.
Parents and teachers can find information, tips and activities to help the children in their care, as well as links to helpful books and products that I recommend.
View my Sensory Processing pages.


Handwriting is an important skill for kids to master. In this section, you will find tips to help kids develop the skills they need in preschool and kindergarten, as well as ideas to help older kids.
Find out what affects handwriting and how to help your child!
View my Handwriting pages.

For more topics and activities, browse my menu or nav bar. Have fun with your child!

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Currently Trending Pages!

These are some of the most popular articles on my website - pop on over to see how they can help YOUR child!

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Tips For Doing These Learning Activities At Home

Here are some tips for getting the most out of the activities on my site:

  • If your child struggles with an activity, then try and make it easier, or simply drop it and try something different. Come back to the original activity in a week or two. The variety of activities on my site should provide you with different ways of working on the same skills.
  • Give lots of encouragement and praise good attempts, even if they are not perfect. “You almost did it, well done!” “That was much better!” “Today is even better than yesterday!” “That was a good try!”
  • Check your child's positioning and posture and encourage them to do activities in a controlled way, not in a sloppy way.
  • Who has a good relationship with your child? Sometimes we parents can get stressed over how well our child is doing, and we have less patience than we ought to.
    Perhaps a grandparent, sympathetic teenage relative or friend would be able to spend a regular 10 minutes doing some of these focused learning activities with your child?

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Printable Resources for Busy Parents!

To help busy parents and teachers, I have created affordable e-books that can be downloaded in PDF format and accessed whenever you need them. These make it so much easier to find activities that suit your daily needs, whenever you need them.

My e-books contain many exclusive activities not available on my website - all of them are photographed and have instructions so you know exactly what your child needs to do in order to target specific skills!

The Gross Motor and Fine Motor E-Books also provide guidelines and planners to help choose and structure activities according to your child’s ability.

Please Note: Doing the activities on this site is not a substitute for an evaluation and intervention by a qualified occupational therapist! Please seek a professional opinion if you are at all concerned about your child's progress.

Thank you for visiting my site! I hope you were helped!

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