by Concerned Mom
Should a teenager with very limited fine motor skills be told that he will never be able to write?
If his OT has said he will never be able to do it should we simply allow him to not try to write. Instead have him use assistive devices such as computer programs to write for him or should we encourage him and allow him to use the devices but still have him work on his writing?
I was told that he would never be able to write. I find this to be absurd. He can write out words. Its not the best penmanship and it can be hard to read. But if he takes his time he can form legible sentences. I just believe he becomes frustrated and does not want to take the time to do this. Also he has so many people tell him that he cannot write, so why would he want to work on it?
I'm just baffled that an OT said that he will never be able to write... should i believe it or get another opinion?
Comments for Fine Motor Skills - Adolescent
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