Fine Motor Skills in my Child

by Sandra

I have just been informed by my 6 year old's teacher that he has still not developed his fine motor skills and she suggests that I take him to an OT. His teacher also says that it takes him a second to think when asked to put his left or right hand forward. I was shocked to know that my child may have a problem. Do you think it will be good if he repeats prep again or will he develop his fine motor skills as he grows.

Confused and upset mum.

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Fine motor delays
by: OT Mom

Hi there Sandra,
I am sure you feel very upset about being told that your son is having difficulties, it is never easy to find that out.

However, it is good that his fine motor delays have been picked up early in his school career.

I would recommend that you go for the OT appointment and have your son assessed to see what the root cause is of his fine motor delays, as well as his slow recognition of left and right. In my experience, children who already have fine motor issues won't "grow out" of them. They may develop ways of compensating for them, but this is tiring and inefficient, especially when we want their energies to be focused on loving learning, and not struggling to hold a pencil and write properly.

You will find some helpful fine motor activities on this site to help you to assist your son, but I definitely recommend an OT evaluation to get to the root of it. Read my article to understand more about this.

Repeating Prep year is a decision based on various areas - readiness for reading, writing and emotional maturity are also considered. However, even if the decision is made for him to repeat prep, it will not enable his fine motor skills to mature if the root causes are not addressed.

I hope this helps.
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