Living with Sensory Processing Difficulties

by Anon

I would just like to share how my son is learning to cope with his sensory processing difficulties!

J is 7 1/2 years and has struggled with sensory processing all his life. He was a colicky baby who became so easily overstimulated that he would not sleep in the day until he was 6 months old (and I had figured out what he needed!)

He struggles to cope with auditory and tactile input, and is also sensitive to bright light. He battled to cope with the noise and unexpected physical contact that comes with a preschool environment, and after a couple of weeks of homeschooling (when he was 6), I asked him if he liked homeschool. His answer: "I love it, it is so quiet that I can think now".

J has always been prone to crying or lashing out when he feels overwhelmed by sensory stimulation. Over the years I have tried to help him identify and name what he is feeling, and then to take steps to give himself time out until he feels more in control.

So I was SOOOO proud of my boy today when he came home from a long, exciting homeschool outing with his dad, and told me "I have been with lots of people all day on the boat, and I really need some time out and some space so I can feel better", with no tears or bad behaviour. He also let me know what he needed eg: to not be in the same room as his noisy little brother :-), to read to himself instead of being read to, etc.

We still have a way to go, but I am really proud of him for learning to verbalise his feelings and identify, by himself, what would help him most.

I hope this encourages other parents whose kids have sensory processing issues!

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Congrats to mom
by: Anonymous

Your sensitive child is very lucky to have had a mom like you who found the best way to help a special needs child is to show them how to self-advocate. By knowing how to express their feelings and needs life for themselves and their family and friends can be much more pleasant. Lorna d'Entremont

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