My Review of Solo Build It!

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I wrote this review of SBI to give honest feedback on how OT Mom Learning Activities came to life and how I turned my passion for helping others into an "online business".

Here are some answers to the main questions I've been asked over the years... Yes, it's a long read! But hopefully you will be inspired and encouraged to take the plunge as well!

Why Did I Want To Build A Website Business?

We had just started homeschooling in late 2008. At the time, I was working part time for an NGO at a local school, which took a couple of mornings as well as prep time in the evenings.

My hubby would stay home with the kids on the days I worked, but it just wasn't ideal. We needed the income, but it became more  and more stressful to juggle the demands of work and homeschooling.

I honestly had no idea how to combine my passion for helping kids (and earn some income) with my desire to be at home full time to focus on the needs of my own children.

I have a friend who was earning a significant income from her preschool and homeschool orientated websites.  I could not believe that she, as a homeschooling mom of (then) 5, could build a website from scratch, never mind one that earned her an income!

My reason for homeschooling - and needing to build an online business!My 3 good reasons for building an online business!

So my husband and I started to investigate website building in late 2009. I felt that I could offer something from my years of occupational therapy and working with children, and I started to get excited about sharing what I knew with parents who wanted to hear. Bearing in mind that my computer and internet literacy skills were pathetic, the idea was that my husband would handle the website-building part, and I would just put the information together.

Many nights later, after checking out countless website-building software, and hearing my friend's review of SBI, we decided that Solo Build It was by far the better offer. Not only did it offer all the bells and whistles in one package, but it also offered a money back guarantee. What did we have to lose?

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Taking The Plunge with Solo Build It!

Well, it soon became clear that this was going to be a one-man show – there was just no way that I could merely provide the information for my husband to “plug into” a set site design. All the work of finding and analyzing my niche was something that only I could do, as I was the one with the passion for the information I had in my head.

So hubby was relegated to supplying endless cups of tea! And doing the early morning kiddo shift after I had pulled an all-nighter on the website!

What I didn’t know about website building could fill a book, but SBI has packaged it into an Action Guide!

SBI basically held my hand through their step-by-step Action Guide (videos and text). And for everything else, there’s the Forums!  Whatever obstacle I stumble over, there is someone in the forums to point me in the right direction. There is even a forum thread dedicated to us work at home moms (WAHM’s) who are building sites in between laundry and wiping noses!

SBI’s incredible Brainstorm It and Keyword tools helped me to research the needs in my niche area, choose my topics and keywords to meet those needs, and guided me in writing well so that those needs would be met.

The proof that it works? A constant supply of organic traffic to my site!

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Is It Worth It? An Honest Review of SBI!

Building a website with SBI was a comparatively expensive outlay in 2 ways.

Firstly, it cost $299 (now $329) per year (or $29.99 per month - now $34.99). That felt like a lot of money in the beginning, but as someone has described - it's like getting an MBA in website building.

However, the support and training I received from SBI is more than worth the outlay. Way better than any "free website" could offer.

SBI has been worth every cent - the price has increased only once in over 10 years, and any additional updates have been included in the set price I pay. No add-ons. No hidden expenses.

The second expense for me was the time and energy.

Late, late nights. Vacation days spent in front of the computer. As a homeschooling mom, that was the only time I could get to work on my site. Having a very supportive husband helped!!

Was it worth it?

Every penny, every sleepless night and every tear was worth it. Not just because I am able to earn an income, but hearing back from parents, teachers and therapists from all over the world is SOOOO encouraging.

I have been able to step aside from my part time morning work at the schools to focus on homeschooling and my website, just remaining on call as a consultant. The income from my website has enabled me to do that - in fact, I am currently earning more than I ever would have earned in that job as a part-timer, and I work whatever hours I choose!

Now I can focus on homeschooling my own kids, and still help kids all over the world through the activities on my site. A dream come true!

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Why Not A Blog With A Free Webhost?

Some of my friends have tried blogs. If your skills lie in newsblogging or regular commentating on a specific niche then a blog-style set-up would work for you. And a free webhost could do the job - possibly.

But if you have information you want to share, that you feel passionate about, that you think others can benefit from, that you want to use to build a business, then SBI would be the better option for you.

As a business, a focused website is much, much better than a blog. That is why I chose to build a website, rather than a blog.

A HUGE benefit to building your site "properly" with SBI is that you constantly get organic traffic without being a slave to "blogging" or sending out newsletters every week.

I am also not dependent on constantly driving traffic to my site via social media outlets. Although social media is a great source of traffic, it fluctuates wildly, so organic traffic from search engines is way better.

At one point, we were undergoing massive family upheavals, and I was unable to work properly on my site for almost 2 years. In all that time, my traffic and income kept growing even though I was not adding new material!

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The Bottom Line

Do I recommend SBI to build a website or online business?

Yes! Wholeheartedly!

Is it an easy way to make money?

Sadly, not really! This is not a quick fix, but an  honest answer! You need to work hard to get a real site going, but it is worth it!

Building an online business with Solo Build It is a journey, not a destinationIt's a journey, not a destination!

What about other webhosts?

I'll be honest, I have not tried them, and have no desire to. My friends who use other web hosts/blog hosts confess that they struggle to keep up with new changes and are constantly paying money for the latest widget or what-not. SBI keeps ahead of all that for me, and helps blend new technology seamlessly into the existing set-up, at no additional cost.

What's more, Solo Build It has kept me ahead on the ever-changing web-building challenges such as Google algorithms, GDPR requirements, and now, AI. Solo Build It are streets ahead of the competition with their response to AI.

If you are reading this page for a review of SBI, it is probably because you are interested in building a website or earning an income from home.

So I will be honest with you.

There are dozens of fake reviews out there that will diss SBI - because they are jealous and are working for companies that are trying to compete with Solo Build It. Look for real case studies, real reviews, and visit real websites to see how they do it. If there is a "review" out there that can't show you proof, then don't believe a word they say!

If you want to know more about building a website or online business with SBI, then hop over here to read a review of SBI and see its tools for yourself. (This is my affiliate link because this is a product I believe in! I will receive a commission if you purchase through my link but you are under no obligation to purchase anything.)

Bottom Line... If I had not used SBI, you would not have found my site, nor would you have benefited from the information I had to offer. And the information on my website itself would not have been as focused and helpful as it is (I hope!) without the advice and guidelines that SBI offers.

I am grateful to the whole team at Solo Build It for their help and support in making this website possible!

Thanks for reading my review of SBI! I hope you have been inspired to start your own online business!

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Solo Build It!
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